ServiceNow MVP adoption packages

Drive ServiceNow success and minimize spend.

The ServiceNow adoption problem

ServiceNow success is much more than technical development. From a client (and leadership) perspective, a technical solution will never be considered a success without adoption and clear ROI.

The problem is many ServiceNow teams underestimate the effort it takes to change employees’ behaviors to adopt ServiceNow. These teams believe “if we build it, the organization will come.”

While this may hold true for early adopters, it doesn’t address the late adopters or laggards who make up about half of typical technology users. This lack of widespread adoption leads to confusion, resulting in organizational workarounds and lowered solution credibility.

Ask yourself: how successful will your ServiceNow implementation be if none of your end users actually use ServiceNow’s self-help options? How much time will your fulfiller teams actually save?

Focusing on MVP adoption drives value

Unfortunately, a robust adoption plan can be expensive, tacking on an additional 30% of spend on top of technical development costs. That’s why we created MVP adoption packages.

In the development space, a minimum viable product (MVP) is a version of a product with just enough features to be usable by early customers, who can then provide feedback for future product development.

In the adoption space, MVP is a version of an adoption plan with just enough activities to drive solution usage amongst the early and late majority of users, who can then drive the anticipated return on investment (ROI).

By focusing on MVP adoption, ServiceNow teams can improve their solution’s credibility, usage, and scalability while spending half of what a more robust adoption plan might cost.

ServiceNow adoption plan

The SkyPhi MVP adoption packages

Our ServiceNow MVP adoption packages provide ServiceNow-specific out-of-the-box services and deliverables to drive organizational adoption of your technical solution. Our packages follow industry best practices to set your team up for success with a minimum of spend and effort:

Analysis & planning activities for a customized ServiceNow Organizational Change Management (OCM) plan. Learn more.

First drafts of key training & communication deliverables to drive ServiceNow Requester & Fulfiller adoption. Learn more.

Combined OCM Foundational Services + Adoption Fundamentals Package. Learn more.

To discuss which package is best for your engagement and organizational needs, send us a message below and a member of our team will reach out to schedule a call: