Work with Us

We want to work with the best, ensure they’re treated with respect, and pay them accordingly.

We’re currently looking for Business Process Consultants, Organizational Change Managers, and Testing Leads to round out our delivery roster.

At SkyPhi, we call our delivery team our “roster” because we only work with all-stars. We don’t call them our “bench” because our players are in the game even if they’re not working with us at the moment.

We’re passionate about empowering our roster to build the lives they’ve always wanted, and we do our best to help them make it happen.

(This isn’t just good for the folks who work for us, by the way: it’s also good business. Our staffing approach decreases our ongoing overhead and increases our margins. This reduces the pressure on sales to cut corners and sign bad deals just to keep our team members busy. In this model, everyone wins: us, our team members, and our clients.). 

The Problem with Traditional Consulting Firms

Due to their slim margins, typical consulting firms put pressure on resources to be billable 40+ hours a week. Bonuses depend on the number of hours billed, not the value brought to firms or customers.

Research suggests that over 60% of freelancers and consultants are burnt out due to a lack of work/life balance.

As a woman-owned business, we believe this model is especially damaging for women and single people, who bear most of the domestic and emotional labor of their personal lives. We talk to women every day who have left traditional consulting because the culture and workload doesn’t allow for a fulfilling life outside of normalized 60-to-80-hour work weeks.

This means there’s a huge population of polished and professional ex-consultants who are hungry for a different way of working and living.

Putting the Human Back in HR

At SkyPhi, we believe (and have proven) that treating people well leads to better financial outcomes for everyone involved.

We believe that when professionals are allowed to choose how and when to work, they’ll bring their best selves to their clients. We do this by staffing our service delivery roles exclusively with contractors, allowing folks to opt into engagements they’re interested in that fit into their lives logistically and financially.

We pay more than our competitors, which means we expect and receive excellence from our team. We have a roster of resources who will step into roles quickly. We generally don’t lose great resources to other opportunities, either.

We offer flexible working arrangements, not because we want to “allow” work/life balance but because we want to work with professionals who live full, passionate, meaningful lives. We expect folks on our roster to have other irons in the fire, whether that is other work, volunteer work, families, creative projects, travel, pets, hobbies, and / or friends.

Rather than delegating “grunt” work to junior resources, we automate manual labor as much as possible, allowing our team members to focus on value-add activities for us and our clients.

We encourage straight-forward and transparent communication about finances, expectations, and obstacles. We support our folks in managing client expectations.

Roles We're Recruiting for Our Roster

We’re currently looking to build out our roster for the following remote roles: